
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Dear Anonymous from 6/16/13:

(This is a response to a comment left on my Physician's Formula Matte Collection Eye Shadow blog, which goes as such):
"You need better photos - they aren't crisp like on other review websites. You also need a new model - she looks like a miserable guy in the photos and the fat hand is a turn off. Nasty! Gross! If you have to use that model because you don't want to be seen then tell her to not wear a hat, smile and shed 30lbs. Awful reviews! "

My response:

 I'm not scared to show in any picture or Youtube videos that I've gained a lot of weight, unlike people like you who hide behind "anonymous" because they would never say deplorable things as themselves. 

I am the person behind this blog, you see me in the pictures I post, and do you see the pics on the links to my personal blog and indy wrestling blog?  Those are pictures of me as well, from almost 3 years ago, when I was a size eight.    I can't believe that there are still people like you out in the world who are still stupid and brainwashed enough to think that being as thin as you can be and pretty will magically solve your problems, because it sure as hell didn't solve mine.

I've gained 100 lbs since then due to MEDICATION THAT I CANNOT STOP TAKING.  Karma doesn't take too kindly to incredibly shallow people such as yourself, and it never will.  The only judgment I ever take seriously is God's.  If you are religious (I know not everyone is), then maybe you should think about that before you go off on a troll spree spreading hate speech to make yourself feel better about the fact that you're pathetic.